ULME Research Seminar

In the research seminar "UIm Lectures in Mathematics and Economics" - ULME - researchers from Ulm, Germany and abroad present their current work. ULME offers a wide range of topics from economics, business administration, finance and law and is an exciting mix of theoretical work, empirical analyses, experiments and simulation projects.

The seminar takes place (approximately) bi-weekly during the semester; Thursdays from 16:15 to 17:45 in HeHo 18 Room 1.20. Please see below for the dates of the current semester.



Speaker University Title
23.05.2024 Gergely Hajdu WU Wien Overconfidence Due to a Self-reliance Dilemma
13.06.2024 Christian Hofmann National University Singapore New forms of private and public money: challenges and opportunities
27.06.2024 Massimo Finocchiaro Castro University of Reggio Calabria tba
11.07.2024 Felix Miebs TH Köln tba



[Translate to english:] Logo Forschungsseminar Ulm

Target Audience

Master Students (as Seminar)


Each Semester

Time and Place

Thu. 16:15-17:15 | He.18 R1.20

Prof. Dr. Sandra Ludwig

















ULME as a Master Seminar

You can take the ULME research seminar as a seminar for master students. To receive credit points you need to regulary participate in the seminar as well as participate in the discussions during the colloquium. Moreover, a seminar paper must be prepared, which includes a written summary of selected presentations or a short presentation. If the speakers agree, the presentations will be published on Moodle.


If you have any questions, please contact sandra.ludwig(at)uni-ulm.de.